ICELANDIC TATTOO EXPO!! Reykjavik, Iceland. November 1-3. Gonna be my first trip to Iceland and I’m super looking forward to it! I still have appointments available. If interested, email me at WEBSITE

ICELANDIC TATTOO EXPO!! Reykjavik, Iceland. November 1-3. Gonna be my first trip to Iceland and I’m super looking forward to it! I still have appointments available. If interested, email me at WEBSITE
Stockholm Inkbash!! Stockholm, Sweden. Always one of the best shows! I still have time available. Email me at to enquire about an appointment.
Ink and Art Festival Spain. Fuengirola, Spain. July 26-28. Going to be my first time in this part of Spain. Should be super fun! I still have times available. Email me at to enquire for an appointment.
Bergen Tattoo Convention. Bergen, Norway. May 10-12, 2019. Such a beautiful city and a fantastic convention! Can’t wait to return. If you’re interested in getting tattooed, contact me from this site or email me at
Check out the website at;
Helsinki INK. Helsinki, Finland. March 29-31, 2019. Been a few years since I’ve been, really looking forward to getting back. Still have a day available. If you’re interested you can write me here or to
Check out the website;
Epic Alpine Tattoo Week II. Chamonix, France. February 21-24. Last year was amazing and I can’t wait for this year! I still have one appointment available. If you’re interested, email me at
Pamplona, Spain. PAMPLONA TATTOO EXPO!! November 16-18. 2 semanas después de abrir mi tienda, tienen un convención en mi cuidad nueva! Pasa por la convención y pasa por Rain Dogs Tattoo Studio & Art Gallery! Para hacer una cita, escriba a
Estoy MUDANDO A PAMPLONA, España! Espero de estar tatuando luego éste verano. Si tienes interés en hacer algo, mi escribas aquí o a Cosas grandes y interesantes reciban prioridad.
MOVING TO PAMPLONA, SPAIN!! I hope to be tattooing there later this summer. If you have interest in making something, write me here or at Big, interesting pieces receive priority.
Sibiu, Romania. TRANSILVANIA TATTOO CONVENTION!! June 1-3, 2018. 10 year Anniversary! Gonna be a great show. Appointments still available. If interested, email me at